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Trends you should include in your marketing plan in 2023.

Trends you should include in your marketing plan in 2023.

Although we romantically believe that the "new year, new us" narrative begins on January 1st, the truth is that the foundation for the next year is laid in the current year.

This means that by the end of 2022, we could already anticipate the direction in which the industry would develop in 2023. Now, it's up to us to summarize and patiently wait for the predictions to unfold before our eyes.

Generation Z and TikTok, content creators, and influencers, BeReal and authenticity, ChatGPT and artificial intelligence are some of the players ready to defend their positions in modern marketing this year as well. Because of this, it's not difficult to conclude what our marketing strategies should look like in 2023.

Interactive Content Marketing

Regardless of whether the "horror story for fearful children" about the abolition of cookies comes true or not, we'll have to find other ways to understand our audience and know what to offer them. Good old interaction will help us in this endeavor, but it needs to be natural, and users should consciously want to participate. Think along the lines of games, quizzes, surveys, research, simulations, virtual reality, dynamic presentations, interactive maps, and infographics.

A 2022 survey showed that of the 1,600 marketers surveyed, half of them used interactive content on social networks the most, while 77% of them marked this type of content as the most effective. Not only is interactive content valuable for collecting data, but it also positively affects the engagement of the target group (interactive content receives 28% more views compared to static content, and the audience spends an average of 4.6 minutes consuming it, which is a significant figure considering how short our attention spans are today).

AI Marketing

Given the rapid development of various AI tools (assuming you've already mastered the basics of ChatGPT and maybe even created something impressive with its help), it's evident that artificial intelligence will play a significant role in marketing. However, before you worry about being replaced by "some other program out there," consider how you can utilize the "latest technology" to enhance your work's results, in terms of efficiency, time saved, and overall quality. Human creativity remains unparalleled.

Long-term Collaboration with Influencers

While there may have been a moment where it seemed like influencers were losing ground to content creators (yes, there's a distinction), social media natives can rest assured—they are not and will not be under threat. What will matter for brands in the coming year is engaging individuals who can authentically tell their story, represent their values accurately, and, most importantly, sustain this representation long-term. Short-term partnerships fade into obscurity, much like quantity. In a marketing landscape that values honesty, authenticity, and consistency, quality comes with a price.

Users More Important than Products

User-generated content isn't new in the marketing world, but it's a segment that's gaining renewed attention. We've realized that Generation Z has different expectations from brands, influencing standards in external communication. That's why they prioritize putting the person using their product at the center of attention, emphasizing personal experiences, ratings, and reviews. This approach humanizes brands, presenting them as accessible, attractive, and, most importantly, effective.

Another way to strengthen the community around a product or brand is by collaborating with that community. A great example is the Figma program, a web application for interface design with many templates created by users themselves. This feature underscores the brand's identity as a collaborator, deepening loyalty and showcasing the value of word-of-mouth marketing.

Media Marketing

While it's crucial to follow trends and adapt to market changes, it's equally important to stay focused on past strategies that yielded good results. Trends aren't only cyclical in fashion; experts predict a resurgence of blogs, indicating that users have diverse interests, needs, and concerns beyond just products or services.

In 2023, media won't just be a segment of marketing but its foundational component – and this doesn't just mean social media. Magazines, portals, shows, and more complex projects like publishing, the film industry, or collaborations with artists are avenues to make your brand known not only for what it sells but also for its values and identity.

Remember – people seek entertainment, education, or connection. If we solely focus on creating advertisements without addressing these needs, the desired response will be lacking.

For Marketing mreža website text written by: Ivana Tomić, Smartpoint Adria Brand Specialist

Photo: Unsplash

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