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Nikola Jagodić: "TikTok is not a new social network, and we all have to deal with that!"

Nikola Jagodić: "TikTok is not a new social network, and we all have to deal with that!"

The marketing network, under the auspices of the SmartPoint Adria agency, is organizing the first TikTok business hub in Serbia on March 22 and April 18 in Belgrade. It is a unique educational format that will provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills in creating TikTok strategies for brands. On this occasion, Nikola Jagodić, Digital Marketing Specialist at SmartPoint Adria agency, talks about why companies should be on TikTok and why this social network is unique.

Why should companies and brands be on TikTok today? 

The question of why companies should be on TikTok is rhetorical at first. TikTok is not a new social network, and we all have to come to terms with that. Similar social networks have existed and will probably continue to exist. Here we are talking about a change in the way content is consumed. Short content formats are becoming the standard of communication. It has reached a point where employers are looking for CVs in video format up to 1 minute, and designers who create a brand book for their clients also create a video portfolio to showcase their designs. Short video content has become the format through which you must and can communicate whatever you want.

What makes TikTok unique compared to other social networks, and to what extent does the algorithm (still) work for us? 

Here we can talk about the uniqueness of TikTok. It is not only good; it "destroys." Until now, the algorithm on social networks has worked on the principle of connecting us with people we follow, correspond with, or interact with. TikTok has entirely abandoned this and based its algorithm on things we like. For instance, let's say we like horse riding and cooking, but after a year, it no longer appeals to us, and now we switch to swimming and business - TikTok's algorithm changes the content it serves us based on our interactions (what we watch, read, like, and share) in real time. This gives us the well-known dopamine hit that keeps us engaged on this network. It seems impossible to separate from this social network as much as it draws us in. This can also be a downside because dependence on social networks will increase, particularly among younger generations who have not yet developed the ability to resist such temptations easily.

What are the key challenges for brands that still do not have accounts on TikTok? 

They have been facing these challenges since the advent of Facebook. They are slow to adapt to changes that eventually overwhelm them. Now, the biggest problem is that these changes will be much more frequent and relentless. In any case, brand representatives should focus on three things. First is the uniqueness of their brand - is there something entirely different from everything else on the market, not just their competition but the entire social context? I mention this because viral content on TikTok often revolves around something "out of this world"; people seem tired of seeing the same things every day. Another thing is attention. Until recently, we talked about capturing attention in 7 seconds, then 3 seconds, and now it's down to 1.5 seconds, which is the time we have to grab the user's attention. All efforts should be directed towards finding ways to grab attention. We are no longer just competing with our direct competition but with every person creating content and grabbing users' attention. Everyone is now in competition. The third thing is value - although this has been discussed for centuries, now is truly the time when there is no room for marketing fluff. If our content does not solve the user's problem, it will simply not be viewed. It won't bring traffic or sales, no matter how much we or our parents, friends, manager, or director like it; it needs to add value.

What are the three key TikTok trends for 2023? 

The first trend is undoubtedly the increasing presence of brands on TikTok and the creation of short video formats. This growth is driven by the rising number of users across all platforms, not just TikTok. The second trend involves the competition among companies that own social networks to provide users and brands with better conditions to stay on their platforms. This period could be described as the golden age for brands, as social networks are now offering free reach to retain users. With minimal investment and well-crafted content, brands can achieve remarkably high results. The third trend is the shift towards User-Generated Content (UGC) ads, which have gained popularity worldwide. This trend has led to the emergence of specialized agencies focusing solely on UGC ads due to their significantly higher sales and brand awareness compared to traditional ads.

Why should colleagues apply for the TikTok Business Hub? 

The TikTok Business Hub provides an excellent opportunity to share the knowledge we've accumulated over the years, particularly in the past year when this topic gained significant traction. While the short video format wasn't prominent in the past decade, we embraced it out of personal satisfaction and love for the medium. Leveraging our knowledge, we've generated millions of views for our clients in the last six months. Some might attribute our success to luck, but I believe it's a combination of the right knowledge and seizing the right moment to promote the products/services of all our partners. We look forward to seeing you at the hub. Applications for the TikTok Business Hub on April 18 are now open; you can apply at the following link HERE.

Source: Marketing mreža

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