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Audience Needs as the Center of PR Activities in 2023

Audience Needs as the Center of PR Activities in 2023

Public relations are often seen as diametrically opposed to journalism, going against its fundamental ethical principles by prioritizing a company's private interests over the public's interest.

This perspective is somewhat supported by journalism theory and existing market analyses, with numerous examples of unethical practices occupying public media space. The evolution of media has led to an increase in commercial content, viewed from various angles. One positive outcome is that high-quality content can now reach audiences more swiftly, increasing the value of content that fulfills media's basic functions (informing, educating, entertaining). Consequently, this presents numerous opportunities for improved collaboration between PR experts and journalists, aiming for positive change and successful outcomes.

At the core of any PR strategy should lie the public's interest, recognizing the timeless value of current and comprehensive information despite the abundance of modern content. It's time to move past dry press releases devoid of relevance, which have cluttered the media landscape and eroded public trust in traditional channels. Instead, listen closely to audience needs, crafting content that resonates both in form and substance, understanding that the public is the ultimate arbiter whose trust must be earned.

This leads to another crucial trend in public relations: the declining influence of print media, radio, and television viewership, contrasted with the rising prominence of social networks as primary communication channels, especially among younger demographics. These ongoing trends underscore the necessity for media content to adapt to modern audience demands for multidimensional experiences.

As a result, traditional text formats and outdated methods for media visibility lose appeal. Today's content must engage audiences visually, audibly, and experientially, leveraging the power of social networks rather than shying away from them. Understanding how younger generations consume content will be vital, making your PR strategy "Instagrammatic."

Building personal relationships with the media remains crucial, as clear and honest communication with journalists has always been and will continue to be the cornerstone of effective PR. PR and journalism are complementary professions, and fostering strong, long-term cooperation benefits both parties.

In the upcoming year, public relations will witness a resurgence of social topics, both in traditional and online platforms. Adapting to market saturation with conventional PR content will be key, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in a dynamic media landscape.

For Marketing mreža website text written by : Katarina Mirosavljević, Junior PR Executive, Smartpoint Adria

Photo: Unsplash

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