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Milivoj Đorđić: "Agencies with talented people are changemakers on the market!"

Milivoj Đorđić: "Agencies with talented people are changemakers on the market!"

Every year, the Marketing mreža publishes a series of BUSINESS AND TRENDS texts, in which agency directors, marketing and communications directors evaluate the year behind us and give forecasts for the next.

Our interlocutor this time was Milivoj Đorđić, General Manager - Adria region, SmartPoint Adria.

How would you rate 2022 in the field of market communications in Serbia? Where are we and where do we want to be?

The year 2022 was successful. Similar to 2021, there was an increase in the need for market communications across all areas, which yielded positive results for all agencies dedicated to their work with quality. Smartpoint has grown in all the services it offers, especially in digital marketing, PR, and event management sectors. Regionally, Smartpoint continued to expand its operations, especially in Croatia, where we anticipate even greater growth in 2023. I would also describe 2022 as a significant "comeback" for event management. As the pandemic officially receded, companies sought to reconnect with their partners, resulting in substantial growth in B2B events and corporate celebrations. During May, September, and December, finding a suitable venue for conferences in the region became nearly impossible unless booked at least a month in advance.

Our goal is to continue in the direction we started. The strategy we have chosen has yielded good results. Next year, we will focus even more on our people and teams because I believe that the people-first model must not be merely a "buzzword" but a genuine commitment to prioritize employees.

Who are the changemakers in the advertising industry in Serbia?

Changemakers are individuals committed to their work, constantly learning, and open to change. Some might say they are talented individuals. I personally believe that, much like in sports, in advertising, 99% is hard work and learning, while talent constitutes 1%. Therefore, working with talented individuals does not entail fulfilling their desires to "acquire" their talent but involves work, learning, and mentorship in situations where their talent can be transformative.

Agencies with such people and that foster such a culture are changemakers.

How do you contribute to the development of the profession (personally and through your work in the agency/company)?

This year, Smartpoint invested significantly in its people. One of the concerns we noticed when hiring new employees was the negative narrative surrounding marketing agencies, such as exploitation, low wages, and poor camaraderie. I believe my greatest contribution is transforming Smartpoint into an agency that stands in stark contrast to this narrative and helps improve the market by making the agency a place for career growth, not just a temporary stop.

Concrete actions we took include ongoing collaboration with top HR experts, providing private health insurance for employees, engaging top lecturers, defining company values rooted in employees' input rather than just management directives, and showcasing our people in the media, conferences, and social networks, among other initiatives.

And this is just the beginning; there's more to come.

The trend that will define 2023...

I anticipate a growing reliance on tools that automate and speed up our processes. Chat GPT, for instance, will assist agencies not only in creating content but also in expediting research processes. Project management and collaboration tools are becoming more intuitive, and their adoption will undoubtedly enhance efficiency, making work more productive. Efficiency could very well be the defining trend of 2023.

What I expect from 2023...

I foresee continued market growth, with companies that have clear strategies and innovative executions achieving even greater success and further expansion.

In conclusion, I extend my best wishes to all marketers in Serbia for a happy and successful 2023!

Source: Marketing mreža

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