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How Has Authenticity Conquered Marketing?

How Has Authenticity Conquered Marketing?

Truth is back in fashion, and honesty is the old-new marketing imperative.

And even though "authenticity" and "marketing" are two words you'll probably rarely find in the same sentence, the latest market trends indicate that we'll still have to move away from the idea that marketing is just there to sell, not choosing how to sell it.

There are more indicators that the Internet audience, especially Generation Z, which in some way shapes the current marketing trends, is tired of watching the "perfect" world and listening to "empty" stories designed only for the sake of image. When we think about it, isn't it easy to see when something is "fake"?

TikTok encouraged users to share their thoughts, ideas, hobbies, challenges, transformations, everything that really makes up their everyday life. The increasingly popular application BeReal convinced us to give up filters and indulge in surprise - we can't even guess when we'll get a notification to record that exact moment, that exact situation we're in, completely unprepared. Honestly and very personally, that concept is very exciting to me, although I've started to think about whether my life needs a little more variety.

Basically, being on top of the game in this industry requires us to keep up with trends and adapt them to who we are and what we do. Authentic, real marketing will, already in the near future, make the difference between brands that just exist and want to sell their product or service and brands that people genuinely love, remember, and respect.

Today more than ever, it is important to remember that the feeling is what is bought, not a specific product - it is important "why" and not "what." And while multiple brands may sell the same value, the way each of them will approach it will certainly differ if they follow their "why." When we are authentic, that is, what we are, we will easily stand out from the crowd - when we purposely want to be different, it happens that we differ in the same way, and then we are all the same again.

Authenticity in marketing is all the more important as the Internet is "louder" and full of content. But authenticity and originality should be distinguished - to present your brand completely honestly, you don't need to come up with something new but to change your perspective and approach what you already have from a different angle. After all, research has shown that as many as 86% of customers value a brand that strives to make the world a better place, that is useful, not just interesting.

This approach to marketing serves the purpose of creating strong connections and sincere relationships, strengthening trust, and thus the relevance of the brand. People want to connect with a brand that shares the same values as they do, and at a deeper level. Therefore, it's important for brands to stick to who they are and communicate that clearly. Real marketing means understanding your target group and their wants and values. This way, you don't waste time acquiring an audience that doesn't really match your brand; quite the opposite.

How can you present the brand in an authentic way? Start by answering the questions of why your brand exists, why you do what you do, and why it matters. Always come back to the question "why."

Make the tone of your communication human and personalized to the right degree – talk about your brand with your target group as you would with your friends. Tell them what you believe in, what benefits your products or services provide, and what experiences and feelings they bring.

Communication channels that you should pay attention to include the website (where all information must be transparent), social networks (remember that everything on the Internet is eternal!), and even your team because they are the ones who represent the brand the best way. If they don't feel affection for it, neither will your target group. You can always find inspiration in Generation Z and their attitude towards reality, brands, and social networks. Although some of them are not old enough to have their own business, their spending power is increasing because they directly influence family consumption, especially when it comes to health, wellness, and lifestyle brands. Considering that this is the most educated generation so far, it is predicted that "genzers" will be a leading economic force in the future.

Generation Z is a "digital native," which means they were introduced to the Internet and smart technology from the very beginning. Since they understand and "live" in social networks differently than millennials, they want to break the cycle of pressures to make everything perfect. They want to show their true colors, and how they feel online is more important to them than impressing someone. They expect the same authenticity from brands, which should be imperfect, realistic, and trustworthy.

This generation can motivate you to change the prism through which you look at your target group - while millennials are mostly categorized by data such as age or material status, "genzers" want their personality, feelings, and preferences to be taken into account. And don't try to hide anything from them - they grew up in the age of fake news and will thoroughly research all the information available about you on the Internet, from websites to networks to ratings and reviews.

Now is the time for new things - or for things that were once taken for granted but have been replaced over time by something more relevant. Authenticity can be one of them. And while it's not enough to just be different, we should try to communicate truthfully, openly, credibly, and transparently about who we really are, what we do, and what we believe in. Our goal should be to truly make a change and leave a mark on this world.

Show yourself as you are. Embrace and nurture your uniqueness. Don't try to fit into a pattern that has been seen so many times - and I'm not just talking about marketing.

For Marketing mreža website text written by: Ivana Tomić, Smartpoint Adria Brand Specialist

Photo: Unsplash

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