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What will the event industry look like in the next few years?

What will the event industry look like in the next few years?

Although we still have time until 2023, I believe that we can already have an inkling of the direction in which the event industry will develop in the months ahead.

The changes that took place in the field of event organization were undeniably influenced by the global pandemic. And yet, I wouldn't say that there is anything wrong with that because, thanks to the circumstances, we saw that it is possible to do some things differently, and the result would be, if not even better, then certainly more effective and comprehensive.

When we talk about the future of the event industry, it is predicted that it will return to "normal" in 2023. However, guided by the experience of the previous two years, it is evident that hybrid events will continue to be in focus or that they will be the "new normal".

Although it is true that live events have a special charm that is difficult to replace online, the main advantage of combining these two types of events is the possibility to reach a wider audience regardless of geographical or time difference. Our clients, as well as the audience, quite well accepted the hybrid events, which proved to be the most efficient and effective, especially in the region.

New, modern solutions are always interesting and attractive, and in this case, we have to emphasize the moment of flexibility and the possibility for experimentation - there are really many ways to combine virtual and live to get a unique and unrepeatable experience.

Content is a key element of every field of marketing, including events, but it is interesting that in the future, we will see more and more events that focus on the experience and not just on the content. Of course, it is still important, but it is not a priority - it is extremely important that the event has a purpose and added value.

This is another way for event teams to express their creativity to their clients as well as the audience, providing a fun and meaningful experience that will be remembered and that will convey the desired message in a much better way. Interactions, activations, reward tasks and challenges, auctions, tests, are just some of the possibilities to raise your events to a higher level and stand out from the competition, all in accordance with the brand itself.

In the coming period, another trend will be noticeable in the event industry, namely themed events. Lectures, as well as all those "extracurricular" activities, should be built around a specific topic that may be related to the client's field of work and the general purpose of the event, but you can also go a step further and come up with something completely different.

Despite the improvement on the global front, the event industry will continue to evolve under the influence of the COVID-19 virus pandemic. In fact, it is quite certain that we will never completely return to the old way and that we will keep the approach in the organization that we had to resort to in order to overcome the newly created circumstances and challenges.

The pandemic has changed the way we work - not only have events become hybrid, but also our workplaces. Accordingly, when a business changes in this way, it is necessary to change every segment of it.

Hybrid events, combined with a theme around which the entire event will be planned, and experiences that will convey the message in a more adequate way and remain more permanently in the memory of the target group, are actually the only possible future of this industry. Therefore, do not be afraid to be free and creative - if you are open to new trends and conquering new territories, if you know how to adapt to circumstances and get the most out of every situation, you will always be one step ahead.

For Marketing mreža website text written by: Uroš Mitić, Marketing Team Lead, Smartpoint Adria

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